As an extension of our work in class, you will be regularly asked to consult and contribute to this blog. Learn it, love it. Every day, a summary of the class period along with any relevant links, notes, and homework assignments will be posted to this website. If you are absent or forgot something, this is where you go. Just come here, find the day you missed, and catch up.
In addition, you will be expected to contribute regularly to the blog. Roughly every two weeks, there will be a question, prompt, activity, survey, links to check out, or relevant supplementary materials posted on the website that will require a constructed response from you. In order to do so, you must create an account so that you are able to sign in to the blog and post your responses and assignments. We will spend some time going over how to post to the blog and I will give you further instructions at a later date. Appropriate and respectful use of our class blog is absolutely essential, and it will be continually monitored. There are several important things to remember about using our class blog:
1. Never trust a computer. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE again and then back it up.
2. Always be respectful and appropriate.
3. Always proofread and spellcheck!
4. Avoid “webspeak” – if we continue to abbreviate everything, our language will dwindle and our individuality will suffer.
5. Extra credit to those of you who locate my linguistic errors first.
6. Please label every post fully and formally with your full name.
7. Have fun! =)
Part 1: Yes, I like this poem because it talks about how our generation is and what we should be doing. I do agree with Taylor Mali when he says we are an inarticulate generation because we have created like an alternate language with the slang we have created and also because we are not really standing up or speaking out like some generations in the past. I think we have become so accustomed to the speech because we’ve been doing it for so long and we are used to creating more and more slang words and ideas of speech just to keep the generation new and less boring. I think it always gets fixed because most people mature and there grammar and language becomes more articulate. As you age you see less reason to use words like “wasup dude!” because it becomes less and less business like and appropriate. I think I can personally fix this by talking how I used to; correct and more understandable to older generations.
ReplyDeleteImage 1: The Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival- I love these pictures because it is amazing how they put together such elaborate buildings and sculptures out of ice. I also love the lights that they add to the sculptures making it like a winter wonderland. They are beautiful and it would be amazing to actually attend this festival. I love Christmas lights and these ice sculptures are amazing with wonderful lights. They top the list in lights. I wonder how much time it took to make these buildings and sculptures and how they kept them in condition to make this festival happen. My favorite sculpture would have to be number 16 with the tall building with lots of stairs and lights.
Image 2: The Eiffel Tower on New Years- I’ve always wanted to see Paris. This picture is a picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris on New Years. The tower has 400 spotlights on it creating a beautiful pattern. Just the sight of how many lights are on it is amazing. I would love to have seen that on New Years.
Image 3: This picture is a picture of a group of people literally wearing trees. Somehow they made pine trees into costumes where they are literally the tree. The picture shows a young boy and he looks really funny. I like this picture because it is goofy and proves that people are crazy.
Image 4: This is a picture of a little kid sledding on his stomach down a mountain. He looks like he is having a lot of fun. It reminds me of when I was younger when I would sled down the hill behind my house. I haven’t been sledding in a long time. Makes me want to go sledding again because I love the snow and I have always loved sledding.
Image 5: This picture is a picture of a bunch of taxi cabs abandoned in a field. It seems really weird because there are hundreds of cars in this field with 98% of them being taxi cabs and the very few being the same type of car with a grey color. Seems really strange and makes me wonder why they are there and wonder whether or not it is a staged picture.
Image 6: This picture is a picture of a Bengal Tiger attacking a pumpkin. The tiger is beautiful and the picture is awesome because the fierceness that is captured in the tiger’s eyes. The pumpkin is already shredded and the tiger looks like the pumpkin was thrown in the air and he is jumping at it and already has a grip on the pumpkin with one paw. He looks really hungry.
DeAnna D.
Part One
ReplyDeleteI didn’t really like this poem. I didn’t like it because he didn’t really make that much sense to me because he used a lot of big words. I do agree with him about us being an inarticulate generation because we don’t talk properly like they used to back in the day. We are too lazy and make up our own words and use slang. I think we have been so accustomed to talking the way we do because we started using slang so the newer generation was brought up listening to people talk that way. I don’t think it is that big of a deal that we change the way we talk. I think it is just how our language is evolving and there is nothing we can do about it. Even if I were to start talking properly it wouldn’t change how everyone else talks.
Part Two
The first picture is an ice sculpture that has a trail with walls made of ice that lead you to a room that is in the shape of a square. The room is also made of ice and it looks like they made it by sculpting the ice into bricks and putting them on top of each other like a real house. This then leads into I big castle, also made of ice. The castle is made up of different colors, like purple, pink, green, blue, and red. This is different than the trail and room that is just blue.
The fourth picture is of the late leader of China. They added little details about him to make him look like him. They made him smiling and even added bags underneath his eyes. They gave him hair that shows his receding hair line, which shows that he was an older guy. They also made him wearing a collared shirt, but the only part you can see is the collar.
The ninth picture shows a bride lying in the snow. She is wearing a ruffled white dress. Her hair is in a formal up-do and she is wearing a tiara. She has a bouquet of red roses which matches her red jacket that she is wearing. She has fur around her neck that is either from her jacket or her dress. She is also wearing a pair of pink gloves.
The tenth picture shows a group ceremony of twenty-eight couples getting married. There is a banner behind them with Chinese writing on it. Behind the banner, there is another ice sculpture. It has three round levels with a column on the top. There are horses with wings next to them. There are also balloons flying by it that are red, blue, pink, yellow, and purple.
The fourteenth picture shows multiple brightly lit trees. Each tree is a different color like red, white, purple, green and yellow. They are sitting on hills of snow. There is also a little girl standing in between. There are also brightly lit towers in the background.
The twenty-second picture is of a huge ice castle. It is lit up of mostly purple and has green and blue on the top. There are a couple people standing there and looking at the castle and also taking pictures. In front of this, there is what looks like an ice wall. It looks like it is made of ice bricks. In the wall, there are two archways that are used for the entry way.
-Julia B
Taylor Mali-
ReplyDeleteThe poem is different. I like it yes; however i feel there are exceptions in the matter. I don’t think we are inarticulate generation. Everyone uses slang at some point or another. It’s inevitable. When you hear slang everywhere it becomes a part of your language, and you use it without even realizing that you do. Teachers use it, adults use it, and Political speakers use it. In my opinion there isn't really much that we can to do correct the habit of using slang. Once it’s in our vocabulary it becomes difficult to push back out. Personally i could pay more attention to what I say when i am talking, but even then it would still be possible for a slip up end up using slang without intentionally planning to do so.
2009 In Photos-
Photo 6- I laughed pretty hard when I saw this photo. The little girl is most definitely over exaggerating while she is getting this H1N1 shot. I had that shot and it didn’t even hurt at all. She is looking like she is getting stabbed vigorously when the needle is barely in her arm.
Photo 15- When I was younger there was a hill in the neighborhood where I lived with a love tree at the top. And my brothers and I would always go up and watch the sun set. The sky would be orange around us just like in the photo. I went up there every single night till we moved.
Photo 19- I don’t quite know why I decided to comment on this photo. It just caught my eye. And who knew that a hippo’s skin looked like that up close? It almost makes you want to get a magnifying glass and start observing different animals skin or fur or feathers just to see the patters and designs.
Photo 24- When I first saw this photo the first thing that came to my mind was my brothers. They all love to surf so much and just try and try to teach me and for some reason I can’t learn. Surfing is the only thing they have tried to teach me that I can’t seem to get a hold of.
Photo 28- This dogs eyes are the most fascinating things I think I have ever seen. Sounds stupid, but they just draw you in. With the white fur and the piercing blue eyes they pop, it seems like the dog is looking straight through you.
Photo 39- This photo hit home with me. A soldier in a casket, with his wife looking at his body and the daughter reaching out for her father. This is real life to me, I to have buried a soldier of my own and he was my whole life. I don’t feel as if anyone can imagine the pain you feel when you bury the one you love until it happens to them as well, and when it does happen I don’t think people realize just how hard it will be and how it will impact their life forever.
Shi Perea
Part 1: These kinds of poem are not one the kind that I would normally listen to let alone write. The poem had no meaning to me and to me made no sense. Taylor talked about how the meaning of words in a conversation was changed throughout the years. I do not necessarily agree or disagree with this statement. Yes because the next generation speaks the bare minimum that we really should. Compared to our ancestors in the past for example shake sphere and other famous writers we have stooped down about 500 levels in our vocabulary since then. I think a big reason why this newer generation speaks the way we do is partly because we have gotten pretty lazy even with most of us not really caring that is what this generation is really coming down to. Maybe it is because in a one way we have all become arrogant and so self absorbed that it doesn’t register in our heads that this is how we as people are turning out and quite frankly it is getting very sad. The opposing side of this argument would say that it is not because of the way we are becoming but that it was bound to happen at one point or another. That the way that two people can have a regular conversation can change so rapidly that it might seem unreal to those who might have lived in times where it was a whole other ball game as far as the way people speak to one another. Some people probably had an idea or a thought that this would be happening in the very near future, but maybe they didn’t realize that it would happen that fast and have such a big difference. As an honest opinion I really do not think that there is much of anything that we can do to change this way of life or the way that people speak at as an everyday habit.
ReplyDeletePart 2: #1 When you see this picture you feel sadness and grief. The audience that can be touched by this type of photo can probably relate to the feelings that the mother and daughter are feeling as they look at their loved one inside of that casket. They might know someone personally that might have been killed in an attack or scared because they have loved ones that are fighting in the war currently.
#2 this picture might not have as much meaning as the other photos but it does show very strong emotion I think. When somebody looks at a baby sleeping peacefully most people think that it is cute or very peaceful. Not every picture has to meaning full to every single person somehow or some way.
#3 in some photos they like to take these pictures to show how tragic some peoples lives can be. In the flood you see people barely able to keep above the water because it hits them so much more then the others affected by the disaster.
lindsey griffin